Why it’s worth it
See why it is worth becoming an exhibitor at the Retro Motor Show!

Every year, the Retro Motor Show attracts hundreds of enthusiasts and professionals from the world of antique motoring to Poznań. Our fair is a classic at its best with the richest program of accompanying events in Poland, and the exhibition is becoming larger and more attractive every year.
This year, the Retro Motor Show will take place in September 20-22, 2024 in Poznan (Poland). Create with us the largest exhibition of vintage vehicles in Poland. See why it is worth becoming an exhibitor of Retro Motor Show:
- Tens of thousands of participants of the event - professionals and enthusiasts
- A rich exhibition of retro motoring - top car brands and models from around the world, special vehicles zone, motorcycles, Youngtimers and much more
- Exhibitors are a whole range of companies professionally involved in the automotive industry, i.e. accessories, spare parts, detailing or renovation
- The only such program of retro motoring fairs in Poland, including Renovation Academy, Retro Tunning, special presentations in the Show and Reconstruction Zone, meetings with experts and representatives of the largest automobile clubs
- A huge zone of the Vintage Vehicle Exchange - there is an opportunity to buy and sell a car, as well as meetings of representatives of companies that deal with the sale of historic vehicles.
The above elements make the Retro Motor Show the most important event for the retro automotive industry in Poland. Contact us if you want to become an exhibitor.